Join Pastor M.A. Oke, the National Evangelist of The Apostolic Church Nigeria, to thank God for his new age. More grace to function in this new age IJN. Wishing you a very happy birthday sir

I would like the whole world to join me celebrate this great man of God pastor M.A Oke (The Apostolic Church National Evangelist) my wonderful father my pastor my mentor my confidant so loving kind, humble and simple despite the great grace and anointing of God upon his life. A man who love to lift others no matter their qualification, low level or inadequacies provided you’re filled with the spirit of God he is a born evangelist who his greatest passion is to see numerous souls being won to the kingdom of God for them to be saved for imminent rapture that’s why he declared right from beginning that crusades are meant to win souls not to make money that’s why there have never been any fund raising in any of the crusades through him the Lord have been performing great miracles signs and wonders, a man of prayers and preach absolute nothing but truth

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